How We Live: Wellness

We talked to experienced professional makeup artists to find their secrets.
The transplant team at Massachusetts General Hospital said in a statement it was deeply saddened by Richard “Rick” Slayman's passing and offered condolences to his family.
Dermatologists reveal what contributes to the condition, how to prevent it and whether any over-the-counter products actually work to eliminate crepey skin.
This physical component of the mental health issue doesn't get enough attention. Here's why it happens and how to deal.
"For all my years of training in emergency medicine ... I didn't know how to process my own [trauma] because I'd never been taught how to do it."
Even the pros struggle with down days. Here's what they do when it happens to them.
This seemingly innocent message can cause a spiral. Here's why.
Experts weigh in on the consequences of slouching over a computer screen all day.
It may seem like something your grandma would do, but dermatologists say she was right.