San Antonio

Dressed in a Batman costume, the Spurs’ mascot, The Coyote, captured the bat with a net after numerous failed attempts, much to the delight of players.
Pete Robles, 35, was taken into custody on child endangerment charges when a teacher in San Antonio discovered the firearm.
The confrontation also left the truck owner and a woman passenger with gunshot wounds.
An investigation into the incident at the San Antonio International Airport is ongoing.
One person was seriously injured in what one witness described as a "freak accident."
A now-former San Antonio police officer has been charged in last week's shooting of a teen eating a hamburger in his car in a McDonald's parking lot.
The officer, who had been with the San Antonio Police Department for seven months, was fired following the incident.
San Antonio district Superintendent Jaime Aquino said the district needed to find better ways to communicate with parents in real time.
Simple advice from a friend to stay near the door may have saved Yenifer Yulisa Cardona Tomás from the deadly fate that befell 53 other migrants.
The American truck driver, who allegedly tried to slip away as a survivor of the tragedy, was charged along with another U.S. citizen and two other men, authorities said.