lewis black

Lewis Black appreciates his sixth Grammy nomination for best comedy album, but he’s skipping the Las Vegas ceremony on Sunday.
"That's not sharing. That's littering," Lewis Black said on "The Daily Show" of the dockless scooter-sharing trend.
"The Daily Show" contributor does not go easy on Paul Ryan, either.
During Aasif Mandvi's All-Star Deportation Jamboree, Lewis Black roasted the "characters" that make up Trump's circle of advisers and confidantes. Kellyanne Conway, Rick Perry and Steve Bannon all got shout-outs.Donate now to the ACLU and the IRC! Use the Facebook donate button or visit Crowdrise: http://bit.ly/DeportationJamboree
“It was to get out of playing the goddamn inauguration."
"We were counting on you to fix things ― not finish the job!”
No, I'm not going to bring you toilet paper.
"What this country needs is a crazy third-world dictator. And Donald Trump has what it takes."