
“My mom’s last wish was for her remains to be scattered in a place she loved, not rotting away in a building,” said Tanya Wilson, who believes she spread fake ashes in Hawaii.
The Postal Service has one parcel of ashes that has been there since 2015.
The three-time Grammy winner handled the ghastly stunt like a pro.
"We have more sustainable choices for our bodies after death than just burial or cremation, and we have power to advocate for these options in our communities."
Unable to host a funeral due to the pandemic, Kevin Lynch was waiting for his mother's ashes to come in the mail.
You have to be comfortable talking to grieving families and also making small talk as the crematory operator pokes a burning skull.
Sybil Hicks' children penned the tongue-in-cheek tribute for their mother, who "was always ready for a laugh."
But folks who get caught doing so risk getting tossed from the Happiest Places on Earth.
Approximately nine students ate the cookies, which allegedly included the cremated remains of one of the student's grandparents.
America's changing religious landscape may be a factor affecting funeral practices.