
The organized attack delayed and even blocked precinct officials from reporting caucus results on the phone, NBC and Bloomberg reported.
As the 2020 presidential election approaches, candidates and voters alike are creating and sharing even more political internet memes.
New Zealand officials said they made a mistake by allowing the man accused of killing 51 people at two mosques to send the letter, which was posted on 4chan.
Charlottesville High's Black Student Union has had enough of its city being used as a staging ground for racist violence.
The Virginia city hit by extremist violence in 2017 is keeping schools closed while police investigate a threat to attack the high school.
The rampant conspiracy theories against the billionaire philanthropist have come to a head.
An employee of MAG Aerospace, an aviation consulting company hired by the military, was spotted in a video wearing a "Kekistan" flag patch.
When Twitter outsources policing its platform to victims of harassment, it empowers brigades of trolls and extremists.
The list isn't Weiner's, and it's been online for over a year.
Wisconsin Republican Paul Nehlen, who stumped for Roy Moore in Alabama, makes himself at home on a fascist podcast and tosses bigoted bombs on Twitter.