Donald Trump Jr. Under Fire For Decorating AR-15 With Hillary Clinton Cartoon

Many people on Twitter wondered if the president's son would go against family tradition and actually enlist in the military.

Donald Trump Jr. is coming under fire for an Instagram photo that shows an assault-style rifle decorated with a caricature of Hillary Clinton behind bars.

The president’s son posted pics of the elaborately decorated AR-15 on Saturday with the caption, “Nice day at the range.”

Here’s a closer look at the magazine, which shows the former Democratic presidential nominee behind bars ― an apparent reference to the “Lock her up” chant Trump’s father and his followers like to shout at rallies.

Donald Trump Jr. rifle
Donald Trump Jr. rifle

The weapon, made by Texas-based Rare Breed Firearms, is called the Crusader. It also features an image of a Christian solder’s helmet and the Jerusalem cross, a symbol associated with the medieval wars between Christian and Muslim soldiers.

Although many of Trump Jr.’s followers liked the jailed Clinton decoration, many people on Twitter fired off very cutting remarks.

Some had questions. Lots of questions.

Many other people wondered the same thing, despite a Trump family history of unwillingness to serve in the military.

One man noted a chilling aspect to the Clinton caricature.

One person shot down the way the gun was decorated, comparing to “wearing suspenders and a fedora” with a KKK robe.

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