Paul Ryan Gets New Gig On Fox News Parent Company's Board

Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch, who will co-chair the newly formed Fox Corporation, has long been a fan of the former House speaker.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has joined the board of directors of Fox Corporation, the newly formed parent company of Fox News, the company announced Tuesday.

In his first public role since leaving Congress after last year’s midterm elections, Ryan will be part of the seven-member board, meeting periodically to advise the company, which includes Fox News, Fox Sports and Fox’s broadcast network and local affiliates.


Former White House communications director Hope Hicks leads communications for the new company.

Fox Corporation went public Tuesday, formed as a result of Disney acquiring most, but not all, of the old parent company, 21st Century Fox. The merger, which goes into effect Wednesday, includes Fox’s movie studio and entertainment channels such as National Geographic and FX.

Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch, who will co-chair Fox Corporation, run by his son Lachlan, has long been a fan of Ryan. When 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney picked Ryan as his running mate, the elder Murdoch praised the then-congressman as an “almost perfect choice.”

In 2014, he said Ryan was someone “whom I have particular admiration for” as a potential presidential candidate.

“He is the straightest arrow I’ve ever met. He’s hardworking. He knows where every dollar goes in Washington,” Murdoch told Fortune magazine. “He’s emerging as the natural leader. I almost think that because of the position he’s in, he’s not the most important, but he’s the most influential Republican in his party at the moment in Washington.”

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