Arts Swimsuit Edition: Picasso, Seurat, Gauguin

Arts Swimsuit Edition 2011 | Picasso, Seurat, Gauguin

Unless you've been living under a rock without internet access (and surely dear HuffPost reader, this wouldn't apply to you), you've heard of the release of the 2011 Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition. Inspired by the flood of tweets on the subject, Modern Art Notes' Tyler Green decided to create MAN's First Annual Swimsuit Issue, which included a Part 2 and many fantastic contributions from museums via twitter. Inspired by his inspiration, we present you with images of swimsuits, bathers and beaches from art history. Sure, some aren't really "swimsuits" per se, but let's get real, just like those "reading" the SI: Swimsuit Edition, you're not really here for the fashion.

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