
Stephen C. Rose

Kindle author, HuffPo Blogger, Medium Publisher, #abbasway, #triadicphilosophy, #cybercommunities

Stephen C. Rose (1936-) was born in New York City and raised there. He currently lives there. His first books "The Grass Roots Church" and "Who's Killing The Church" established him as a prominent critic of American Protestantism and American religion. He was and remains a civil rights activist. He has interviewed and done in depth pieces on Saul Alinsky and Martin Luther King, Jr. He won awards for editorial courage and for two documentary films. He has written and published many songs and musical works including "We Are All Americans". During the late 90s and early 2000s he worked for UN agencies, most recently editing CHOICES Magazine at UNDP. Since 2000 he has written several books for distribution via Kindle. He is currently engaged in a major work on Twitter called "Triadic Philosophy". With over 1500 statements and aphorisms, it bids to become an influential force in forming the consciousness of this century.