Diet and Nutrition

Read this and you'll never suffer through a dressing-soggy salad again.
The billionaire said she “set a standard for people watching that I nor anybody else could uphold.”
There’s good news, and there’s bad news.
There is no such thing as “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” experts say — so why do Asian chefs have to keep telling us that?
Straight from the mouths of cardiologists and a heart health nutritionist.
We asked three top longevity experts what’s in their grocery carts. Here’s what they told us.
Firstly, not all types of processed food are created equal. Secondly, here's how to know when you may be eating too much of it.
It’s hard to imagine that fruit juice is nutritionally on par with Coca-Cola. But ... is it? Here's what experts say.
Nearly 1 in 4 of us are avoiding gluten. Without a health diagnosis, is it really necessary?