Outcry/ Cry Out

Outcry/ Cry Out
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Catharsis. The moment life fills you from your toenails to the strands on your head. There is no room, it is time to cleanse. There comes a time when the culmination of day to day stress leaves little space in your mind, and suddenly all of the tension takes physical form and spills from your eyes. The deluge of tears burn your tired face, and you do not even bother wiping them, because you would not keep up anyway. The shallow heaves in your chest become deeper as the floodgates behind your eyes synch up with the thoughts in your head.

Your limbs are beginning to give out, and you find refuge on the nearest couch, chair, or floor. The couch embraces your feeble body, as you succumb to the emotions that have taken over. The sobs have turned to moans, and the reasons this all started may have been forgotten by now. But there comes times in everyone's life that begs you to let go.


Let go of the world around you that created this unwanted cargo in the first place. Maybe not deal with the problems now, instead release all the feelings that surround them. There are times that words are not needed, and only that salty surge can help you now. Use them. Let the drops wash away your current view of fatigue and stress. Cleanse your psyche by squeezing that throw pillow with all your might. Cry. Bawl. Get it out.


Today is the day to rid yourself of the pent-up problems and possibilities and what-ifs and whatevers. Release those tears, so they won't drown you. You must stay afloat; this is the time to ensure your buoyancy.

Today is also the day you relinquish the past. If you fight it, those sobs will save themselves for another day in the near future. Do not dwell; let those thoughts of insecurities ripple away into nothingness, as your breathing slows and your heart rate calms. Paddle hard and steady, as you ready your body for the present. The waters around you were made by you, so do not be afraid. Instead, be now relieved that you had strength to realize you are weak at times. Be faithful in your body's ability to take over your mind, and flush the swirling sea of tumultuous thoughts out into a hot, burning stream away from you. This reinforces who you are and how you cope. Fortification.

And now, what brought this release on is of little consequence. The important thing is that you were able to free yourself of the pain associated with the problem. It will be easier to identify your issue with a clearer head. All the emotional snags have been dealt with, and you are fresh.

Catharsis is healthy. It is necessary for survival. There is no shame in breaking down. Just make sure you pick up only the pieces that are required to begin anew. Abandon the scraps where they lay, and do not turn back. You can do this. You must do this. Make that cry mean something.


Shana Swain’s personal blog is feedmetipme.wordpress.com.

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