Nothing Changed Until I Did

Nothing Changed Until I Did
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For a long time in my life I was a rebel. Yup, a good girl at heart with a rebel spirit on the inside. My inner rebel ruled quietly for a while. It challenged the status quo and fought tirelessly to find new and different ways to do just about everything.

For several years, my inner rebel was leading me through what felt like the wilderness. I was wandering aimlessly and felt stuck. There was so much more to me and I desperately wanted to be the person I knew I could be.

There was so much more to me and I desperately wanted to be the person I knew I could be.

The rebel in me wanted to find an easier way to become that person. I tried skipping a lot of the personal development needed to become the person I wanted to be. One day, I had a realization which allowed me to harness the free reign I had granted my inner rebel. There are no shortcuts to success.

There are no shortcuts to success.

Success is simply finishing what you started ( I realized that in order to accomplish my goals I was going to have to become a person who had clear goals and the type of person who accomplished them. Habits like starting and not finishing or doing things only when I “felt” like it, were not going to result in me being a success.

Reigning in my inner rebel allowed the personal development I needed to happen. Personal development was about me committing to me, committing to developing the habits and mindset necessary to have the life I wanted for myself. Growing into the person I wanted to be changed my life. I stopped procrastinating, became clear about what I wanted in life, created a plan for my life, and became a doer of that plan. It was the only way that I could get unstuck and have the life that I looked forward to living each day.

Am I the type of person who does what is necessary to have the life that I really want?

If you’re just going through the motions of life, wandering aimlessly, feeling unfulfilled and stuck, ask yourself a simple question and be honest with yourself. Ask, “Am I the type of person who does what is necessary to have the life that I really want?” If your answer is “no” then ask, “Am I ready to become that person?” The truth is, nothing is going to change until you do and you are the only one who determines when you’re ready for change. Ouch!

nothing is going to change until you do

If you’re not ready for change it’s ok. I thought I was ready for a long time but deep down I wasn’t. I knew that I wasn’t ready for change because I was not willing to do what was necessary to have the change I wanted. My inner rebel was still trying to find a way for me to change without leaving my comfort zone. It wasn’t until I had finally had enough of feeling stuck that I was able to leave my comfort zone and change. You will get there one day, continue seeking.

If you’re ready to change, what lies ahead is going to be marvelous! Personal development changes everything. You are going to see change in all areas of your life. Living life with purpose and on purpose is liberating.

My inner rebel isn’t gone. I don’t want it to be gone. It’s a part of who I am. On your journey there are parts of you that you will have to reign in, don’t get rid of the parts of you that make you unique, just reign them in and give them a new focus. I’m excited for you!

Rochelle Inglis is the Author of Get It Started Get It Done, a book about moving from inaction to action. She believes that nothing will change until you do.
You can learn more about Rochelle at

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