10 Ways the Black Community and Their Allies Can Transmute Pain Into Power

10 Ways the Black Community and Their Allies Can Transmute Pain Into Power
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"You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity and in as many ways as possible that you were a worthless human being." -- James Baldwin

In the coming days after the Zimmerman not guilty verdict, many will cry, some will wallow in despair and disbelief while others will take to the streets. In each instance, we are forming a more perfect union as we realize that #ajmia -- American Justice is MISSING in Action. We realize we can no longer satiate our humanity in the trivialities of Twitter followers and Instagram likes. We are searching for justice, as we pursue happiness.

We have been force-fed the myth of "post-racial" America; that electing a black president will somehow Etch-a-Sketch 400 years of racial strife from our collective memory. For many youth, this is the first time they have visceral first hand experience with the stinging slight of hand known as institutional American racism. The #TrayvonTragedy unearths notions of white superiority and black inferiority. Fortunately I believe at the root of all inferiority and superiority complex is a need for love and power. So how can African Americans, love themselves and feel empowered? We are going to have to shift our paradigm, our concept of being black and hence our role in society. Below is my prescription. Let's embark on this journey and please keep me abreast of your progress.

  • 1. Stay Calm and watch Django Unchained!: Quentin Tarantino, Jamie Fox, Leonardo DiCaprio and the sizzling Kerry Washington provide just the right amount of irrefutable history and black retribution to supplant the agony of defeat brought on by #ZimmermanNOTguilty with the satisfaction that as MLK stated, although the arc of the universe is long, it bends towards justice.
  • 2. Sign the NAACP petition to demand justice for Trayvon Martin's family.

  • 3. Make Love: Che Guevara stated and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson reaffirmed that the most radical action you can take in the face of injustice is love! So often we forget the power of love to conquer all. Love being #black. Love being #BlackInAmerica. For centuries we have internalized our own inferiority, hence perpetuating a cycle of pain. You don't have to wait for Black History Month or McDonalds 365black.com as an excuse to indulge in your heritage.

  • 4. Unplug and Realize that the Revolution Will NOT Be Televised: Mainstream media and music is a steady stream of negative depictions of black and brown people. Malcolm X stated,
  • The newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

    Instead support independent media and especially watch Fruitvale Station a new film produced by Forest Whitaker about Oscar Grant, another unarmed blackman slain #ubs by a BART police officer. The film is a riveting portrayal heralded by the NYT.com as making

    "Oscar a fully human presence, to pay him the respect of acknowledging his complexities and contradictions. The radicalism of "Fruitvale Station" lies precisely here, in its refusal to turn a man into a symbol."

  • 5. Empower Yourself!: Knowledge is power! Back in the day, G.I. Joe used to end each episode with
  • "Now we know, and knowing is half the battle".

    Hence start a study group to learn more about issues that plague the black community including the Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome and the Prison Industrial Complex (angela davis link) prisons are obsolete). Excellent resources include The New Jim Crow, Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting. To have a better understanding of the history of race in America, take time to study the shifting ideas and po (http://www.pbs.org/race/003_RaceTimeline/003_00-home.htm)licies surrounding race and recall that many of the founding fathers were slave owners. In fact notions of raced started after the Constitution's declaration that all men were created equal. Since blacks, were slaves, they were deemed subhuman and hence other pseudo-sciences including eugenics and the Willie Lynch prophecy started. Then spread the word.

  • 6. Know your rights! Whether walking to the corner store or taking to the streets to protest some form of #ajmia, form a study group with your friends before hanging out and learn about the Constitution, Bill of Rights and other laws that affect you and your community. Then start teach-ins so the whole community is aware.

  • 7. Realize Strength in Numbers Part 1: Once you know your rights, now you can defend them! Start a Community Cop Watch! Have meetings with your local precinct and share all of your knowledge about the prison industrial complex. Take down badge numbers and file complaints with your local civilian complaint review board.

  • 8. Realize Strength in Numbers Part 2: Become more active at your local schools to ensure that black and Latino students learn about their heritage! Also did you know that black students are three times more likely to be suspended and be diagnosed as "special ed" than white students? Making your voices heard at PTA meetings and other school functions will improve the quality of education that our youth, our future receive! Talk to your school's dean, principal and guidance counselors about alternative ways to discipline students that are redemptive instead of punitive.

  • 9. Develop some type of spiritual practice and way to handle stress: Research shows African-Americans are at a higher risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and strokes, due in part to Mundane Extreme Environmental Stressors (MEES). According to Dr. Grace Carol, from the moment African Americans wake up to the time we go to sleep, we are bombarded on a conscious and subconscious level with feelings of inferiority and challenges to our humanity, which cause everything from anxiety to depression. Too often we self-medicate with unhealthy foods or habits. Instead, honor your life and your body by committing to being healthier and happier! Hold yourself accountable to your family and your community by being the best you can be!

  • 10. Enjoy Teachable Moments about racism and white privilege: Be willing and open to have discussions about race in the moment! So often throughout the day we as blacks ignore jokes and comments that may offend us. We want to be polite and not rock the boat. Instead embraces these episodes as teachable moments! As the Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda stated, "Let's extinguish the flames of hatred, with a flood of dialog.

  • This world is but a canvas of our imagination!- Henry David Thoreau

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