Occupy Wall Street Gets Most Media Coverage Yet

Police Crackdowns On Occupy Protesters Spikes Media Coverage

Occupy Wall Street had its biggest week of media coverage yet, according to a the news coverage index provided by Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Media analysis from the week of November 14-20 showed that the economy dominated news cycles, taking up 22 percent of coverage. The study notes however, that Occupy Wall Street coverage made up a majority of that coverage.

The week before, total coverage of the protests accounted for only 1 percent of news stories. According to the index, clashes between protesters, police forces, and government officials caused the spike in media coverage to occur. From New York City's Mayor Bloomberg ordering protesters to clear Zuccotti Park, to campus police forces repeatedly pepper spraying peaceful demonstrators at UC Davis, Occupy Wall Street was a major story in last week's news cycle.

Additionally, members of the press became targets of police last week when they were forcibly removed and even arrested while attempting to cover Zuccotti Park being rid of protesters.

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