Steve Jobs Charity Scam Pops Up

Beware Of This Steve Jobs Charity Scam

Charity scammers often tap into people's open hearts and wallets following disasters, awareness months and celebrity deaths. Sadly, the widely mourned death of Steve Jobs has proven to be an open invitation for such charity scams.

A spam email has been promoting the "Steve Jobs Charitable Foundation," which touts itself as supporting young computer programmers, Trend Micro reports.

It shouldn't be too difficult to spot the scam, however. The email has an egregious spelling error in the title: "Raise money for Steve Jobs Charity Fond!"

The body of the email tells recipients that funds will be used for young kids who "do not have opportunity to study and bring their ideas to life," according to Trend Micro.

Jobs, who wasn't a known philanthropist, did start an organization called the Steven P. Jobs Foundation in January 1987, CNN Money reported. It was shut down after 15 months, however.

Jobs' death spurred a Facebook scam earlier this month, which offered readers who clicked a link a change to win a free iPad.

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