
Kenneth Bernstein

Maryland high school government teacher

Kenneth J. Bernstein teaches High School Government at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt MD, where he was a 2010 Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher. A graduate of Haverford College (Music), he holds masters degrees in Religion (St. Charles Seminary) and teaching (Johns Hopkins) and reached ABD in Educational Policy at Catholic U before he decided to focus on his teaching and his online writing. He is nationally known for writing on education and other topics as "teacherken" at Daily Kos and elsewhere, and under his own name for the Lessons Plan Blog of the New York Times, for Teacher Magazine, and elsewhere. A National Board Certified Teacher and a building representative for the National Education Association, he is married with five cats, who since they demand a bit less time than children, leave him free both to teach his 190+ students and write about those subjects that invoke his passion.