
Jane Brunette

Writer and meditation teacher at

Jane Brunette teaches and writes about meditation, spiritual practice and creating a soulful life in challenging times. She created Writing from the Soul, an approach to writing circles that has sprouted groups around the world, and periodically offers classes and retreats on meditation and using writing as a spiritual practice. In addition, she mentors writers who want to expand their capacity for articulation and deep inner sensing. See

An authorized Buddhist meditation teacher whose own practice is inter-spiritual, Jane is also deeply influenced by the writings and practices of the Christian mystics as well as the wisdom of indigenous people around the world. She travels widely, living simply in cultures where this is still possible in order to free her time and her mind for contemplation and retreat. Her book of poetry, Grasshopper Guru, emerged from a long cycle of retreat outside of the American consumer matrix. You can find more of her writings, as well as her teaching schedule, at

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