
Brian Whetten, Ph.D.

President of Core Coaching

By the age of 30, Brian had earned a Berkeley Ph.D. in computer science, raised $20 million for two Silicon Valley startups, been part of a $400 million IPO – and burned out twice. After an emotional and spiritual crisis, he left his career for six years of full time personal growth work, including a M.A. in Spiritual Psychology. Today, Dr. Whetten serves as the President of Core Coaching, which helps business leaders turn soft skills into hard results; and the Founder of Selling By Giving, which teaches coaches, counselors, healers and transformational leaders how to build the businesses they want in ways they truly love. He is the author of the #1 International Amazon Best Seller, Yes Yes Hell No! The Little Book for Making Big Decisions. That said, what really excites Brian is his family. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Nicole, where they spend much of their time wondering how their two daughters can be so cute.