
Alison van Diggelen

Host of Fresh Dialogues, BBC Contributor

Alison van Diggelen is a Silicon Valley based journalist and BBC contributor who's been described as "one of the most respected interviewers on the web." She's host of the Fresh Dialogues interview series and contributes to the BBC World Service, Public Radio International's The World; and National Public Radio's KQED. Her notable interviews of business leaders and celebrities include Elon Musk, Dianne Feinstein and Martin Sheen. Alison has been a guest on BBC's Business Matters and NBC's Tech Show Press:Here; and moderates events for the Commonwealth Club and the Churchill Club. California State Senator Elaine Alquist nominated Alison for a Woman of Achievement Award in communication; and she has also been honored by U.S. Congressman, Mike Honda. A native of Scotland, Alison has a Master's from Cambridge University and enjoys indulging her passion for tech and sustainability in the Valley of Heart's Delight.